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"Autumn Explosion" video tutorial

"Autumn Explosion" video tutorial

Hi there artsy friends.

Here is the last autumny tutorial from me with an explosion of vibrant brusho colours. I just love brushos and what they do on the paper! I must admit that since I'm a watercolor artist, I do tend to try "restraining" the unpredictable ways the brushos act, and I'm still learning to get "loose"... I do hope you like the piece, tho...

with love from me, Elisabeth

Del Bello's Design Team
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"Autumn Vibes" Video Tutorial

"Autumn Vibes" Video Tutorial

Hi there guys.... here is a little autumn card for you, with some fun techniques... 

This is such a beautiful season,- I just love autumn and the crisp air and bright colours! Hope this little piece will get you in that mood as well...

Love, Elisabeth

Del Bello's Design Team
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